Please visit our charity page at the American Diabetes Association

Thursday, March 24, 2011

127 Hours

What started out as a leisurely hike...

Suddenly turned into a bit of an adventure....
...and Dan started feeling even more comfortable with his surroundings....

...he was One with Mother Nature...UNTIL...


A tough decision for sure, but we can all agree it was the right move...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Stamford Advocate Photos

Word is spreading about the 2011 Death Race, and the training regimen being undertaken by the Connecticut participants. The Stamford Advocate visited one of the training grounds to see for themselves, and report on their findings...

Taylor is the only one who looks even slightly reasonable in this picture.
Starting to go backwards...
Steve may want to check his underpants here...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hiking Cove Mountain Beach National Park, Stamford CT

This is Cove Park in Stamford Connecticut. There are no mountains. It is NOT considered worthy of the National Parks Service's attention.
This is not really even a beach. It's just the Long Island Sound.
We'll see if that is still the case on June 25, 2011.

I really fat fingered this one...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

100 Days

In exactly 100 days - you will be facing two important decisions:

1) Do I spend the next week training, or resting for the pain that is sure to ensue at the Death Race?

2) Am I prepared to meet Death somewhere in the green mountains of Pittsfield, VT?

Make 'em count!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Death Jump

Feel free to fast forward to the 1:00 mark so as to not bore yourself to DEATH.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Death Race - Video Game (1976)

The violence associated with this game inspired the first ever organized protests over a video game. The National Safety Council called the game 'sick and morbid'

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

One Tough Mudder

Brian became the first to complete an actual prepatory race. And he nailed it, not only finishing, but out-racing 95% of entrants.

And it's clear from this picture that the competition was NOT messing around
(I see two caped crussaders and at least one castmember from the movie 300.)

You will find Brian and Jeff cruising along leg 2 of the 'warm-up' tour
at the Rock N Roll Adventure Tour on Feb 26th at Lale Mineral Wells.
And if you cant be there, please support them by visiting our charity site at:

The Air Up There

Jeff (wisely) felt that Death Race preparation cannot be limited to one continent.

So he traveled to the birthplace of civilization where the locals apparently taught him how to levitate.

Rumor has it that training included wrestling with the lions, swimming with the hippos, and sleeping without any mosquito nets....He also got married.

Superhero Deb

We met superhero Deb in Mexico, and she followed Steve and Brendan off this ridiculous wooden platform. She's being heavily recruited for Death Race 2012.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Movie Night

"This is a film about a futuristic cross-country race in which the winner is determined, not merely by his speed, but also by the number of pedestirans he kills...In front of an old-folks home, the nurses park the wheelchairs of several patients in the middle of the road and wait for the fun to start...but the driver has his own little joke by swerving off the road and killing the nurses."
-Roger Ebert (Zero Thumbs Up)

P.S. You probably WON'T understand Death Race 2 if you have not already seen the original Death Race.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Manly Stuff

At work on Friday, we decided it would be a good idea to chop firewood as part of our Death Race training regimen. I asked my co-workers a rather obscure question: 'Does anyone know where we can go to chop some wood?"

There was an immedate response from the person sitting right next to me (Bob Rupp - pictured in the video as the coffee drinker). Bob Rupp: "You guys can come over to my house, I have a ton of wood that needs to be chopped for our fire place."

It's all coming together...

Friday, January 7, 2011


Daily Agenda:

5:00 AM: Wakeup Call

5:30-6:30 AM: Training at Gym

8:00 AM-6:00 PM: Develop Energy Solutions

7:00-8:30 PM: Workout Round 2 (Climbing, Chopping, Running, Boxing, Shakeweights, etc.)

11:59 PM: Lights Out

Diet = Superfoods

FRESH GREEN VEGETABLES, berries, beans, yogurt, nuts, oats, quinoa, red wine, dark chocolate, green tea, olives, grapes, cinnamon, citrus, sweet potatos, and lean meat + fish.

Oh yeah; and drink enough water to make yellow snow a thing of the past.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Not Life-Threatening, but Still Pretty Scary

No can opener? No Problem.

Steve attempts to cut through a tuna can using the knife extension on a mulit-purpous cork screw.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

There's No Elevator at Deathrace

Too busy with work to train for Death Race?

Thats like saying Brett Favre is too busy with football to give young women the creeps.

Not even barbells, weight vests, heavy duty office equipment, or pockets stashed with lead pencils could keep these two deathracers from scaling 16 floors of steep elevation.

Each step brought them a little bit closer to the finish line.

Monday, January 3, 2011